Healing Prayer Teams
As we seek to be a caring congregation, prayer is an essential element of this
ministry. We encourage our congregation to submit prayer requests on Sundays during worship, as well as, throughout the week through our email, joysandconcerns@conwayfumc.org. Each Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m., a group meets to pray for not only these joys and concerns, but also for those
related to our community and beyond. We not only value your requests and will
lift them up during our time together, but confidentiality will be strictly maintained. Our pastors will also be praying for these requests. This team is open to anyone wishing to participate in this important ministry. Please prayerfully consider joining. If you wish to serve or would like more information, contact Jema Elms at 501-837-0653 or Jelms55@yahoo.com.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Group
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you knit or crochet? We give prayer shawls to wrap our congregants in love when they are going through a challenging time and also blankets for our babies/children at their baptisms. Our shawls, blankets and prayer squares are made by members of our congregation. We would love to have your help in making these! If you are interested, contact Joan Ausburn at jlausburn@conwaycorp.net.