Welcome to Conway First United Methodist Church! There is a place for everyone here at Conway First to gather in community, to grow as disciples, and go share the love of God so God is glorified! Come join the journey!
Join us as we continue to make God’s love a reality in our lives and in our community.
Whether working in the Food Pantry or joining our mission team to dream new ways to love God and neighbor, we’d love to connect you with our missions ministry.
We need one another. And there is a place for you here at Conway FUMC. Connect with others to grow in your faith
Are you a college student looking for a place to connect? Join the Wesley! Learn more here!
We’d love to connect with you and hear what God is doing in your life and answer any questions you have about us or faith!
One of the best ways to get to know our congregation is to attend a service. Here you can connect with God and others!
Watch here, www.facebook.com/conwayfirstumc or on our YouTube Channel