Opportunities to be in service through worship
Here are a variety of ways to get involved in the worship ministries of Conway First UMC. At FUMC, Conway, we offer the following lay liturgical ministries:
Communion Ministers – Those who administer the Communion Elements (Any age)
The College of Acolytes – (Grades 3 – Adult) – individuals who assist clergy in the liturgical duties at the altar like lighting the altar candles, assisting in the reading of Scripture and more.
Lectors – Readers of Holy Scripture and assigned Liturgical texts on a given Sunday.
The Altar Guild – Caretakers of the altar and the chancel.
The Altar Arts Team – Those who create seasonal displays and banners that go along with sermon themes and/or the liturgical calendar.
The Baking Guild – Those who prepare the loaves for Holy Communion.
Ushers and Greeters – The persons who greet and see to the needs of the worshiping assembly.