
"For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve…" Mark 10:45

Missions In Which We Are Engaged

As we hear in the passage above from the Gospel of Mark, Christ gave us the example of service to follow.  We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves as we seek to follow Christ.  At Conway First UMC, there are a variety of programs we have in which we seek to love our neighbor as Christ has loved us. Scroll through the page to view more information about all of our programs.

Food Pantry and Amazing Grace Cafe

Our Mission Statement

In keeping with our calling to serve God and our neighbors, the Feeding Ministries of the First United Methodist Church of Conway, Arkansas, strive to provide food to those persons who are in need.

Hours of Operation

Our food pantry is open every week beginning at 4:30pm.

  • The 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursdays of each month our food pantry distributes all food drive through style (4:30-5:30pm).
  • The 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month is our Amazing Grace Cafe. Guests are invited into the Fellowship Hall to pick their own food items and share a meal together (4:30-6:00p). Drive through is not available this week.
  • Our food pantry is open for individuals and households to receive food every week as needed. Registration and photo identification are required.

Be a Supporter

By Volunteering:

Church and community volunteers make our Feeding Ministries possible. Contact Kisha Bumpers to become involved as a stocker, sacker, or pantry-day volunteer.

Donate food:
Donations of non-perishable food items are gathered in large, labeled plastic tubs located by worship entrances and the hospitality area.

Support Financially:
All financial contributions are also welcome: please identify in an envelope or on the memo line of a check as “Feeding Ministries” in care of Laura Bounds, Financial Assistant of Conway First United Methodist Church. The Food Pantry is affiliated with the Arkansas Foodbank.

Summer Feeding Program

During the summer months we partner with the Faulkner County Library to serve lunch to the children and families of our community. Volunteers make the sandwiches, assemble the sack lunches, and deliver and serve the lunches at the library. Consider being part of this important ministry that meets the needs of families during the summer months! Financial gifts are accepted throughout the year. Watch for volunteer sign-up opportunities in late spring.

Guatemala Mission - Stove Builders

Stove Builders of Guatemala is an ADVANCE project with the UMC and supported through donations and mission teams by FUMC Conway. Helping people help themselves, this project teaches local Mayan men how to build fuel efficient stoves for families who are still cooking on the ground inside their small windowless homes. The families contribute a small amount of the cost and help build the stove. Smoke is vented out of the house, creating a much healthier environment for the families. The purpose of the project is to share the love of Christ in ways that make a Christian difference.

Mission Events

Christmas Coffeehouse
In mid-November, the Christmas Coffeehouse features a silent auction, live music, seasonal treats, and coffee! We also invite in local non-profit agencies, giving guests the opportunity to learn about and support their work in the community. Admission is free and open to all.
Trivia Night
Laughter and friendly competition mixed with mission education make Trivia Night a popular opportunity for friends and family to gather. Start planning your team of up to ten players and watch for registration to open in the summer. Your team may win the gold cup this year!

Be part of the planning and implementation of Mission Ministries.

Consider joining one of these teams!

Mission Committee

The Mission Committee holds two big annual community fundraisers — Trivia Night and the Christmas Coffeehouse — to help support various missions and outreaches in our community and beyond. We regularly distribute funds to meet hunger and emergency shelter needs. As needed, we also provide financial support for disaster relief, missionaries around the world, mission trips, education, and more.

Church and Society Committee

The Church & Society Committee oversees our food pantry and Amazing Grace Café. This committee works at bringing awareness, advocating and creating ministries to help alleviate social injustices in our community and beyond.

For more information fill out our interest form, email foodpantry@conwayfumc.org, contact Rev. Miranda Hornsby at mhornsby@conwayfumc.org or call 501-329-3801.

We're so Glad You're Here!

We’d love to get to know more about your interests! Please take a minute to fill out our form and we will get back to you soon!

Service Times

8:30 a.m. | In-person worship
Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
9:05 a.m. | In-person worship
Good News Celebration Worship in the Great Hall
11:00 a.m. | In-person worship
Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
9:05 & 11 a.m. | Online worship