Congregational Care

The Congregational Care Ministry of First United Methodist Church seeks to care for individuals/families through the peaks and valleys of life. Join us as we love one another and care for those hurting in our community.

Prayer Ministries

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We give prayer shawls to wrap our congregants in love when they are going through a challenging time and also blankets for our babies/children at their baptisms. Join us in knitting or crocheting for these times. Contact Joan Ausburn, 501-329-6792, for more information.

Healing Prayer Ministry

Join us on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. to pray for congregational joys and concerns, as well as those related to our community and beyond. Contact Jema Elms, 501-837-0653, for more information.

Mens Prayer Breakfast

Join us at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays at First United Methodist Church for a good breakfast and to pray for our neighbors and community. Contact Paul Taber, 334-202-8397, for more information.

Care Ministries

Congregational Care Ministers

Make hospital visits, homebound visits, pray with, listen to, and provide one-on-one comfort and encouragement to members of our congregation during times of stressful life situations. Contact Miranda Hornsby,, for more information.

Card Ministry

Send cards to those who have lost a loved one, need a word of encouragement or support, or are celebrating life events.

Homebound Visitation Ministry

Take goodies to a homebound person in our church. You can adopt a homebound friend to visit monthly or sign up to help deliver to various homebound friends when the church prepares goodies. Contact Miranda Hornsby,, for more information.

Care Giver Ministry

Support those who coordinate health care for loved ones. Share this weblink with caregiver friends, provide refreshments for caregiver socials and programs, or help with quarterly caregiver workshops hosted by FUMC with area agencies.

Grief Care Ministries

Grief Care Ministry

Offer hope, support, and recovery by extending quality care and helpful resources for those experiencing grief in our church family. Contact Nancy Mulhearn, 501-339-4500, for more information.

Bereavement Meal and Reception Teams

Join one of our bereavement teams. Meal teams host/provide a meal for a family during their time of grief. Reception teams host a reception after a funeral.

Contact Miranda Hornsby,, for more information on Congregational Care Ministries.

Service Times

8:30 a.m. | In-person worship
Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
9:05 a.m. | In-person worship
Good News Celebration Worship in the Great Hall
11:00 a.m. | In-person worship
Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
9:05 & 11 a.m. | Online worship