Kisha Bumpers
Director of Lay Ministries
Kisha works to connect the congregation to opportunities for service, fellowship and discipleship for the purposes of growing in relationship with God and others. You can find her helping out with our Congregational Care Ministries, Food Pantry, organizing small groups, and connecting people to deeper ways of loving God and neighbor. She’s been helping Conway FUMC to reach its community and grow in faith for 13 years! Before coming to Conway FUMC, Kisha worked with volunteers and donors at the Arkansas Foodbank. Prior to the Foodbank, she was an Assistant Youth Director at Central UMC Fayetteville where she mentored senior high girls and coordinated small group ministries. Kisha holds a B.S. in Sports Management and an M.Ed. in Recreation Management. She also became an ACE Certified personal trainer in 2023. Kisha’s favorite meal in town is the poblano chicken fajitas at Faby’s. Her hobbies include just about any activity you can do outdoors. If it's on or in the water, even better. She also enjoys puzzles, board games and musicals. The best, though, is doing any of these things alongside family and friends!